Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Waiting for Isaac

 It’s 9:30 am, Wednesday, Sept 29. Seven years to the day when Katrina hit. I’m sitting in my gazebo, waiting for the Isaac to come through Brandon, Miss. The feeder bands – the outside edges of the hurricane - are arriving now. My house faces north so as I sit here, the gray clouds are making a huge arc from east to west, outlining the hurricane. Kind of eerie.
  Waiting for this storm is a nerve wracking even when you know it’s not going to be very bad. No one up here in the Jackson area is stocking up on food, or gas. Life is pretty much normal. I’ve prepared. All the hanging pots are taken down – they could turn into missiles in the high winds - the potted plants have been tucked away in bushes or brought in. Outdoor furniture cushions removed, everything tied down and stowed.  
   The wind is coming and going. When it’s calm the air is humid and still. There’s a heavy feeling in the air. Then the wind rushes through and cools everything down a bit. I wish I could stay here in the gazebo and let the wind whip around but when the rain gets here I’d be drenched. And a tree might fall on me out here. We lost three 40ft pine trees and one oak tree seven years ago. We lived in the gazebo for 4 days after Katrina since we didn’t have power.
  The main problem this time will be rain. Lots and lots of rain. Having lived many years in Louisiana I know those folks are in for some rough times. The land is low and doesn’t hold much water, there’s no place for it to go. Swamp land, you know.
   A stiff breeze just passed through sending my wind chimes singing. Guess I’d better haul them down too. I left the hummingbird feeders up because the little guys are still eating like crazy. We have four in the yard right now, all heading south. I’ve tried to take their picture but they are too fast for my I-pad.
    The wind is becoming steadier, not much break in it now. Right now it’s heavenly out here. 81 degrees, the breeze is cool and gentle. My roses are beautiful; I even have a couple of blossoms on the magnolia tree. Unusual for this time of year. I could almost forget there’s a storm coming. The sky is light again none of those gray clouds in the video. It won’t last.
   Maybe the Lord is trying to speak to us through this kind of waiting period. The clouds come and go. The sky darkens and brightens, the wind blows off and on and while we live in anticipation of a storm today, we should be living in anticipation of Him the rest of the time.
   LOL as I typed that last word, the sun came out. But it won’t last. Nothing does. Not life. Not families, not possessions. Not book contracts or lack of book contracts. He alone lasts and is forever. So while I wait for Isaac, I want to remember who waits for me at the end of these storms in life.
God Bless

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